How to Clear Acne Effectively

If you need to find out how to clear Acne conditions the chances are you aren't alone. There are over 60 million people in the US alone who suffer from Acne, and let's face it, no one would ever want to keep their Acne.

Each sufferer can typically spend thousands of dollars in their search for the ultimate Acne treatment. If you do the math, you can see why Acne products are a lucrative and hugely successful market. So before you start throwing your money at cosmetic companies, there are a few small things you could try first that don't cost you anything extra.

Firstly, try not to touch your face too much, Acne can be quite irritating and it's all too easy to give in to the urge to touch. We do everything with our hands so it stands to reason there will be a high bacterial content on them, especially if they are unwashed. Touching your face transports bacteria from your hands. As bacteria are the main cause of Acne it is important to keep your bacteria levels down, so resist that urge!

Do not 'Pick and Pop' existing Acne spots. Doing so significantly increases your chances of developing scars, some of which may never heal. Treating Acne scars can be trickier then healing Acne.

Another important step in how to clear Acne is changing your pillow case. Bacteria and dirt from your face can accumulate on your pillow and transfer back to your face at night. Make sure you wash before bed, and change your pillow case regularly.

Tie back your hair or use a headband to keep your fringe or other hair strands away from your face, especially if you use products in your hair. Styling products can irritate the skin and transfer grease to your face. Try not to use these at all, keep your hair clean and use gentle shampoos.

For those who wear make-up, remember to remove it before you go to sleep. Use a deep cleansing gentle make-up remover, such as a hypoallergenic fragrance free cleanser, ensuring you remove all the make-up thoroughly.

If you shave, remember to do so 'with the grain'. This decreases the chance of hairs growing inwards after shaving which blocks skin pores and causes irritation.

Drink enough water, not doing so will dehydrate you, which lowers your immunity and stops the body from being able to properly cleanse itself of toxins that can help cause Acne and are also harmful to your body.

Don't forget to get eight hours of sleep. Not getting enough sleep overworks your body causing stress and fatigue. This lowers your immunity, preventing your body from tackling the bacteria that cause Acne.

And finally, the easiest and simplest method for how to clear acne is to wash your face 2-3 times a day. Any more or less can be counter productive to tackling Acne so make sure you build this into your daily routine.

4 Types of Severe Acne

Severe acne can affect the personal life of individual. He or she may find it extremely embarrassing to go out and socialize. It can even shatter the confidence of individuals, limit job opportunities and result in overall deterioration of health. If left untreated, scars gets formed and remain there up till the lifetime.

Severe body acne has to be necessarily treated by a specialist or else condition may worsen and get out of control.

Predominantly there are four types of severe acne. These are:

1. Acne conglobata
2. Acne fulminans
3. Gram negative folliculitis
4. Nodulocystic acne

Acne conglobata

This is one of the severest forms of acne vulgaris. It hits males more than the females. Typically the age bracket of 18 years to 30 years is the period which will have more chance for this form of acne to occur. The symptoms are deep abscesses, inflammation, severe damage skin and acute scarring. Blackheads are quite widespread and found on all body parts like face, chest, neck, buttocks etc. condition is further characterized by formation of nodules around comedones. This kind acne conglobata can even affect dormant acne.

Acne fulminans

Symptoms are highly ulcerating and severe form of inflammation. During such a condition patients are known to suffer from fever and severe body aches. This condition generally develops in a person who may probably be having acne conglobata for quite some time and has let that remain untreated.

Nodulocystic Acne

This kind of acne is characterized by formation of cysts. These cysts are quite uncommon and rarely strike a patient. The cysts normally measure up to several centimeters. These cysts may develop singly or in multiples. This cysts found in this type acne are not the true cysts rather they are some sort of dilation of skin structure. Cyst may contain pus after the area gets infected. The effort to puncture such cysts should be done in close supervision of dermatologists. These cysts if appearing close together may lead to another severe form of acne known as acne conglobata.

Gram-negative folliculitis

This is a special type of acne which develops after prolonged antibiotic acne treatment. This basically has a condition in which follicles get affected by bacteria. These bacteria do not get noticed under strain which is known as "Gram" so these are called as gram negative bacteria.

All severe acne conditions are required to be treated by specialists. During treatment support of families and friends is welcome and is always needed. Some times the severe acne remains there for very long periods without showing any positive response to any of the treatments employed. In such situations, it becomes difficult to have patience and keep your cool. Response to severe treatments start showing up some time even after months of starting the treatment. The important thing is to follow the regimen as per the prescriptions given by physicians. Acne if treated with patience gets cured and if proper precautions are taken then one can always have acne free teen years.